Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Etsy Store......Ahhhh!

Ok, So I am attempting to start an Etsy store, where I will find great vintage items that people will hopefully want to buy. I was so excited, I went in search of said items, thought of clever descriptions of them, and went to work creating my store. And.....

Insert crickets chirping here.

So far, people view the items....some even heart the items, but don't love it enough to take it home with them.

So without further ado, here is the link to my incredible Etsy store "The Helpful Housewife".

Constructive criticism is welcome. :)

~The Helpful Housewife


  1. Hey I wondered what had happened to you. :)
    I remember all to well your old blog and your letter to Mike Rowe which first told me you were someone I could relate to. Glad to see you back. Welcome!! Bye for now,

  2. You remember Mike Rowe! Hahaha! Maybe I should make some kind of craft with his likeness on it....
