Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Love is.....

Love is never having to say...."Honey you're collecting way too much crap!". What wife has never heard that phrase uttered by her husband/boyfriend/significant other? I think it's my dear husband's worst nightmare to wake up one day and find out that I have gone completely Collecto on him and discover knicknacks stuffed into every possible inch of the house. But at what point does harmless tchotchke collecting turn into a cry for help, and quite possibly a segment on "Hoarders:Buried Alive"?

At what point?!

I've told him many times that I am getting new "Merchandise" for my Etsy store...but how long will that story hold when I have ZERO sales?

I think I'm going to start buying my own product from an alternate account, that way I can continue to feed my need for buying more "collectibles", and that will throw him off the trail for awhile....until he catches on that "Lilly Tagloff" from Pismo Beach is NOT who she claims to be....

~The Helpful Housewife

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Truth Is Out There.....

Well we're off to a start...not sure what kind of start...but here we are. If you are one of the few people that are actually reading my blog, (probably my family, because you have to love me...I think It's some kind of contractual agreement) you might notice something different about my blog today.....

I have an "ad" to my etsy store! You can actually 'peruse' the items while enjoying some reading. Now, if only there were some kind of Government regulated subliminal messaging that would make you feel compelled to buy something from my store when you see the item flash onto the screen....I think we may be onto something here, Agent Mulder.

*Cue X-Files Theme*

You know you want to....Because doesn't everyone Need a Thneed?? Or at least an awesome handmade cat toy that's in the shape of a mushroom?

Work with me People.....

~The Helpful Housewife

Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Etsy Store......Ahhhh!

Ok, So I am attempting to start an Etsy store, where I will find great vintage items that people will hopefully want to buy. I was so excited, I went in search of said items, thought of clever descriptions of them, and went to work creating my store. And.....

Insert crickets chirping here.

So far, people view the items....some even heart the items, but don't love it enough to take it home with them.

So without further ado, here is the link to my incredible Etsy store "The Helpful Housewife".

Constructive criticism is welcome. :)

~The Helpful Housewife